Sunday, 9 September 2012
Tools, Equipment and facilities
A compromise between equipment and
production costs must be reached. Specialism welding equipment often
requires experienced operators, who are not likely to be found or cannot
be retained on the permanent basis, owing to non-continuous operations.
Often even though a field training program for the use of such
equipment is provided, the site welders resent change and do not readily
accept new ways of doing things. The delay in overcoming this attitude,
and in acquiring sufficient experience for proficient use of the new
equipment, mean that its potential economic advantages are not realized.
A possible solution to this problem is that operators of such
specialized equipments are hired on a permanent basis and are available
either directly to run the machines or to supervise their operator. Once
a decision has been reached regarding the type and quantity of tools,
equipments and facilities required at a given site, the details of the
field welding shop and arrangement of the equipment can be based on
sound industrial engineering practices.
Environmental effects on site welding
The basis difference between site
welding and manufacturing shop welding is the uncontrolled environment
at the site. At the site, often only crude, temporary shelters can be
justified, usually taking the form of tarpaulins attached to a simple
wooden framework to provide a minimum of shelter. Unless welders are
provided with a safe and reasonably comfortable working platforms or
scaffold, the quality and quantity of work will suffer. Conventional
welders uniforms are unsuited to extremes of climate. The helmet,
leather jackets, and aprons, are unsuited for the dissipation of body
heat in tropical climate. The necessary freedom of movement is impeded
by the usual heavy clothing provided for arctic climates. Possible
improvement is the use of light weight fireproof fabrics for tropical
climates, and electrically heated suits, as used in aircraft practice,
for arctic conditions. The need for the acclimatization of welders is
another factor emphasizing the advantages of employing and training
local labour for site welding. Extremes in environment have their effect
on the weld deposit as well as on the operator. In tropical conditions
the problem of maintenance of preheat may be nicely solved whereas in
arctic climates, it will be accentuated. In frigid locations, the need
for preheat can be minimized by selection of base material and
electrodes with low transition temperatures to reduce the hazards of
brittle fractures. High wind velocities, if there at site, will
considerably effect the welding arcs and hence the weld deposits.
Site welding quality control
A discussion is necessary between the
contractor and the client before work is started, to agree upon the
interpretation of the applicable code or specification as to weld
quality and the manner and extend to which the various inspection tools
are to be employed. The need for this mutual understanding is specially
evident in regard to pipe welding quality, where it is fairly common
practice to apply pressure vessel code criteria of acceptability to pipe
which can only be welded from the outside. Here difficulties frequently
arises out of the welding operators inability to cope with the
irregularities to be expected in mill end pipe. Difference in internal
diameter, out of roundness and inability to rework the route of the
weld, frequently lead to indications on radiographs that tax the ability
of an extremely skilled interpreter to render a satisfactory estimate
of weld quality. Once the welding quality or qualities have been agreed
upon, the problem of producing the welds to these requirements becomes
paramount. The first, vitally important, prerequisite is the accuracy of
fit-up of the parts to be welded. A welder of just adequate skill can
generally make an acceptable weld if he starts with good fit-up, whereas
the most skilled welder will frequently find himself unable to cope
with the situation if the fit-up is poor. The welding supervisor and
inspectors can most profitably pay their way by insuring that the
welders start with well set-up jobs. The depositing of the root weld
pass is a critical factor, whether it be pipe or plate that is being
welded. Where skilled welders are in short supply, they may deposit only
the root passes whereas the remainder of the weld can generally be
completed without difficulty by welders of lesser ability. The maximum
emphases on fit up and root welding applies to all qualities of welding,
but varies in degree with the economics of the quality aimed at. For
example on the lowest quality of welding, accessed only by visual
examination, accurate fit up by experienced pipe fitter and extensive
supervision, inspection, etc cannot be provided at the cost allowed for
this quality of welding. Usually non-destructive tools like radiography,
ultrasonics, magnetic particle inspection, penetrant and fluorescent
dyes, and visual aids can be employed to the extend required to provide
assurance that a given weld quality is being furnished.
Sunday, 9 September 2012 by Unknown · 0
Here we will discuss about the qualification tests for welders, economic choice of tools, the environmental contingencies of open air welding and quality control. There are innumerable factors which can be considered in regard to site welding so no single operational policy can be established to cover all site conditions. Therefore some of the factors affecting site welding in general will be discussed.
Site welding vs Shop welding
One of the major decisions in pressure equipment construction work like vessels, exchangers, piping, etc concern the division of work between sub-contracts to permanent fabricating shops and the site forces. Generally, where the freedom of choice exists, the decision would favor the permanent fabricating shops rather than the site, but this is not always the case. Exceptions are large projects of such duration as to justify field shops, with facilities which may surpass those of competitive manufacturers, and which may be limited to welding operations or may include forming, bending, heat treatment, inspection, etc. In the absence of such field facilities, site assembly is limited to constructions whose dimensions exceed shipping clearances or acceptable shipping costs, and to let items which are switched to field fabrication as a result of vendor or mill delays, changes, additions, etc. Often such site welding will reach an impressive percentage of the overall project. From the unit cost stand point, shop fabrication is usually lower, although the difference is minimized and not infrequently reversed where the site has a favorable work load and attendant higher utilization of manpower or manufacturer handling cost are excessive owing to dimensions or weight or where delivery requirements involve appreciable shop overtime or bonus payment or where careful timing of delivery is necessary owing to space limitation and freight demurrage. As regards the relative quality of works performed, the site fabrication may surpass that of competitive manufacturers, because, the major factor is acceptance of the need for more adequate supervision and inspection to compensate for the disadvantages of less favorable conditions, in addition there is the greater availability at the site of the customer's inspection staff and engineers who have a direct concern as to adequacy of the work, whereas the manufacturer's shops are less conveniently located and his organization is much less directly concerned.
Welding operator force
Lack of successive project continuity and attendant economies militate against a permanent welding operator force that can be moved from job site to job site. The assembling of an adequate number of welders of the various degrees of required skill at a given location can be frequently be a major problem. The most that can be done progressively to improve the general level of skill and versatility is to maintain a nucleus of specialist for operations demanding maximum skill, who also act as instructors to the numerous project-hired operators, most of whom are new with the company and often unacquainted with the type of work involved. The remaining training burden must be carried by the supervisors, foremen and engineers. Standard qualification test for welding operators may be inadequate as a measure of ability to perform production work at a specific level of quality. For improved assessment after the qualification test, the operators are employed on non-critical work, such as temporary structures, supports, etc. which enables the welding supervisors and inspectors to evaluate individual skills and establish various degrees of proficiency so that tasks may be assigned in accordance with ability. Radio-graphic examination of qualification test plates would be helpful. However a test plate represents the best quality of which an individual operator is capable, rather than the average which he will attain in production. If at the job site, sufficient number of skilled workers are not available, two alternatives are available- to train welders at the site or to recruit skilled workers where available and transport them to the site. The first alternative, at many places, has been especially successful, particularly because of the usual willingness and enthusiasm displayed by unskilled or native labour when learning a trade. It is only natural that the importation of skilled labour is constructed as a reflection on their latent capabilities. A factor that usually militates against the importing of skilled labour is the psychological environmental effect. Men have been selected for foreign work on the basis of skill and productivity in their local environments and frequently at the destination become dissatisfied so that their skill and productivity deteriorated. This is particularly applicable to welding as contrasted to other crafts, probable owing to the less continuous and strenuous effort involved, and the consequent opportunity for the mind to wander. Therefore in selecting welders for overseas work, one would be well-advised to base selection on emotional stability more than on skill and productivity.
Site Welding - Part 2
Site Welding - Part 2
by Unknown · 0
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Figure shows the general layout of a diesel engine power plant. The engine and its various auxiliaries systems are depicted with their proper positions. The flow path of air, fuel and gas are shown by arrows. The plant consists of the following:
- Engine
- Air Intake system
- Exhaust system
- Fuel system
- Fuel Injection system
- Cooling system
- Lubrication system
- Starting system
Principal parts of a diesel engine:
Figure shows a cross-section of an air cooled IC engine depicting the principal parts. Generally, for stand-by plant, water cooled engine is preferred but where there is scarcity of water or in mobile power plants, air cooled engine is preferred. The principal parts are cylinder, cylinder head, piston, inlet valve, Inlet port, Exhaust valve, Valve spring, cooling fins, wrist pin, connecting rod, crankcase, crankpin, crank, crankshaft.
Air Intake System:
The function of air intake system is to convey fresh air through louvres and air filter to the cylinder via intake manifold. In order to augment the power, supercharger is fitted in between the filter and engine and the super charger is driven by the engine itself.
Exhaust system:
The purpose of exhaust system is to discharge the engine exhaust to the atmosphere with minimum noise. Figure shows the exhaust system. The exhaust manifold connects the engine cylinder exhaust outlet to the exhaust pipe which is provided with a muffler or silencer to dampen the fluctuating pressure of the exhaust line which in turn reduces most of the noise which may result if gases are discharged directly to the atmosphere. It is advisable to use flexible tubing system for exhaust pipe to take up the facts of expansion due to high temperature and to isolate the exhaust system from the engine vibration.
Appreciable amount of heat from the engine exhaust goes as a waste. In order to utilize this, a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) may be used to generate low pressure steam for process work.
Fuel handing system:
Figure shows the fuel handling system of a diesel engine power plant. The fuel oil may be delivered at the plant site by many means such as trucks, railway wagons or barges and oil tankers. With the help of unloading facility, the fuel oil is delivered to the main tanks from where oil is pumped to small service storage tank known as engine day tank through strainers. This day tank has the capacity to store oil equivalent to about 8 hours consumption. In order to reduce the pumping power input, oil is heated either by hot water or steam which reduces viscosity and so the power input.
Fuel Injection system:
It is supposed to be the heart of diesel engine and its failure means stopping of the engine. The fuel injection system performs the following functions:
- It filter the fuel insuring oil free from dirt.
- It meters the correct quantity of fuel to be injected in each cylinder.
- It times the injection process in relation to the crankshaft revolution.
- It regulates the fuel supply.
- It atomizes finely the fuel oil for better mixing with the hot air leading to efficient combustion.
- It distributes, the atomized fuel properly in the combustion chamber.
- Common rail injection system
- Individual pump injection system.
- Distributed system.
2. Individual pump injection system: As the name implies, the system has an independent high pressure pump for each cylinder which meters, pumps and controls the timing of fuel injection as shown in figure. Each cylinder is provided with one injector and the pump and injector may be integrated as one unit. The fuel is brought to the individual pump from storage tank through course filter, low pressure pump and fine filter. The high pressure pump is equipped with a control mechanism and at the proper time, a rocker arm actuates the plunger and thus injects the fuel into the cylinder. The amount of fuel injected is regulated by the effective stroke of the plunger. It is the most popular fuel injection system in practice.
3. Distributed system: Figure shows arrangement of distributed system. In this system a metering and high pressure pump is used to pump the metered quantity of fuel on the rotating distributor which distributes the fuel to the individual cylinder at the correct timing. The number of injection stroke per cycle for the pump is equal to the number of cylinders. The fuel is fed to the high pressure pump from storage tank through course filter, IP pump and fine filter. Since the metering and timing of injection is accomplished by one plunger, equal amount of fuel is supplied to each cylinder at the same point in the cycle.
Fuel Injector:
The liquid fuel in the injection system filters into the combustion chamber through the injector. Fuel injector employed in CI engine is of automatic type. It is mounted on the cylinder body at such a location which yields better performance. Quick and complete combustion is insured by a well designed fuel injector. The fuel injector assembly consists of the following:
- Needle or nozzle valve
- A compression ring
- A nozzle
- Injector body
Types of nozzles:
The design of nozzle is mainly based on the types of combustion chamber used insuring proper and efficient combustion of fuel. The type of nozzles used in diesel engines are:
- Single hole
- Multi hole
- Pintle type
- Pintaux type
Cooling system:
During combustion process, the pick gas temperature in the cylinder of an IC engine is of the order of 2500K. Maximum metal temperature for the inside of the combustion chamber space are limited to much lower values than the gas temperature by a large number of considerations and thus cooling for the cylinder head, cylinder and piston must therefore be provided.
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Force circulation cooling system |
- Open cooling system: This system is applicable only where plenty of water is available. The water from the storage tank is directly supplied through an inlet valve to the engine cooling water jacket. The hot water coming out of the engine is not cooled for reuse but it is discharged.
- Natural circulation system: The system is closed one and designed so that the water may circulate naturally because of the difference in density of water at different temperatures.It consists of water jacket, radiator and fan. When the water is heated, its density decreases and it tends to rise, while the colder molecules tend to sink. Circulation of water then is obtained as the water heated in the water jacket tends to rise and the water cooled in the radiator with the help of air over the radiator either by ram effect or by fan or jointly tends to sink. The direction of natural circulation which is slow is shown by arrows.
- Force circulation cooling system: Figure shows force circulation cooling system which is closed one. The system consists of pump, water jacket in the cylinder, radiator, fan and a thermostat. The coolant is circulated through the cylinder jacket with the help of a pump which is usually a centrifugal type, and driven by the engine. A function of thermostat which is fitted in the upper hose connection initially prevents the circulation of water below a certain temperature, usually upto 85C through the radiation so that water gets heated up quickly. Stand-by diesel power plant upto 200 kVA use this type of cooling.
Lubrication system:
The purpose of lubrication system is to provide sufficient quantity of cool filtered oil to give positive and adequate lubrication to all the moving parts of the engine. The lubrication system is classified as:
1. Mixed lubrication system
2. Wet sump lubrication system:
2. Wet sump lubrication system:
- Splash system
- Pressure feed system
- Splash and pressure feed system
1. Mixed lubrication system: In mixed lubrication system, a small quantity of lubricating oil is mixed in the fuel tank. It is used in two stroke engine.
2. Splash system: The application of this system is limited to only light duty engines as the name implies a splasher or dipper is provided under each connecting rod cap which dips into the oil in the trough at every revolution of crankshaft and oil is splashed all over the anterior of the crankcase.
3. Pressure feed system: The main elements of the system consists of oil in crankcase, strainer, pump, pressure regulator, filter, breather and oil galleries. The oil is drawn from the sump through strainer which prevents foreign particles and is pumped with the help of gear pump submerged in the oil and driven by crankshaft to all the main bearings of the crankshaft through distributing channel. An oil hole is drilled in the crankshaft from the center of each crankpin to the center of an adjacent main journal through which oil can pass from the main bearings to the crankpin bearing. The piston pin receives oil through a hole drilled in the connecting rod. The cylinder walls, tapped roller, cam, piston and piston rings are lubricated by oil spray from around piston pins and the main end connecting rod bearings. A pressure regulator fitted near the delivery point of the pump which opens when the pressure in the system attains a predetermined value in the case of filter clogging of an oil cooled and excess oil is returned back to the sump.
4. Splash and pressure feed system: Figure shows a splash and pressure feed system. In this case, lubricating oil is supplied under pressure to main and camshaft bearing. Splash is also used to lubricate crankpin bearings.
5. Dry sump lubrication system: Figure shows Dry sump lubrication system. In the Dry sump, the supply of oil is carried in an external tank with the help of scavenging pump through strainer and filter, The scavenging pump is placed out of the sump. The capacity of the scavenging pump is always greater than oil feed pump. The supplied tank is usually placed behind the radiator. The dry sump is generally used in large stationary marine engine.
Saturday, 1 September 2012 by Unknown · 0
Diesel Electric Power Plants available in the range of 1MW to 50 MW capacity are used sometimes as central station for meeting small requirements and universally employed as stand by plant to supplement thermal power station or hydraulic station.
The following are the applications of diesel electric power plants:
- Pick load plant: Diesel plants are suitable as pick load plants in combination with thermal or hydal plant. The pick load unit needs easy, starting and stopping and diesel plants serve this purpose.
- Stand-by unit: There are many situations in which stand-by units are needed such as the main unit fails or cannot cope with the demand. As an example due to less rainfall in a particular year, the hydro plant cannot meet the demand. Thus diesel units are installed as stand-by unit to supply power in parallel to generate the short fall of power.
- Central stations: Due to ease in installation starting and stopping, diesel electric plants can be used as central station where the capacity requirement is more.
- Starting station: For starting large power plant, auxiliaries such as FD and ID fans, BFP, circulating water pump, etc can be run by installing a diesel electric power plant.
- Energy unit: In many developing countries like India, power failure/interruption is a common feature for hours. Under this circumstances, the power to vital units such as hospitals or industrial plants can be supplied by installing diesel electric power plant.
by Unknown · 0
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